Des réflexions sur votre situation actuelle pour mieux réagir à l'avenir


What if We Became a Winning Team?

It is not because we bring together a group of people and we tell them that they will now work together that it necessarily produces a real team. A group of people is a crowd. If they appreciate each other, they may even have fun rubbing shoulders. But from there to make it a winning team that will succeed in achieving its goals against all odds, there is a step you will learn to take in this book.

To achieve this, you will first be invited to take a test that will allow you to discover on which characteristics of the winning teams you need to make efforts to get closer to success. Then, chapter after chapter, we will take the time to fully understand the importance and implementation of each characteristic:

  • Openness to diversity
  • A good individual sense of responsibility
  • A known mission and an acceptance of everyone's constraints
  • Shared leadership
  • A nutritious working climate
  • Good cohesion


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